Dental Implant Fort Worth TX - Flossophy Dental Studio

Advanced Dental Implant Solutions

Dental implants are tiny surgical posts that are biocompatible and function similarly to natural tooth roots. Once they are placed and integrate with the surrounding bone, dental implants offer excellent stability for single crowns, bridges, and dentures. Considered the most advanced option for tooth replacement, they provide durable, reliable, and aesthetically pleasing results for a full and healthy smile.

Take into account all the advantages

Do you have missing teeth? Whether it's one, multiple, or all of them, dental implants can help you restore a complete and beautiful smile! The popularity of dental implants is on the rise, with approximately 3 million people already benefiting from them and the number increasing by 500,000 each year. This is due to the numerous advantages that dental implants offer compared to other treatment options.

While traditional fixed bridges and dentures are effective ways to replace missing teeth, dental implants have several key benefits:

  • Dental implants closely mimic the appearance, sensation, and functionality of natural teeth.
  • With proper positioning, oral hygiene practices, and regular maintenance, dental implants can endure for many years.
  • Dental implants promote bone stimulation, preventing bone loss and maintaining natural facial contours.
  • Unlike removable dentures, implants function like real teeth and do not shift or become loose while talking or eating.
  • Dental implants facilitate effortless speaking, eating, and enjoying all kinds of food without limitations.
  • Dental implants are resistant to decay and do not develop cavities.
  • Unlike fixed bridges, dental implants do not necessitate any preparation or crowning of neighboring teeth.
Choose dental implants as a long-lasting and natural-looking solution for missing teeth.

Different kinds of dental implants

Single-tooth implant

Traditional fixed bridges involve preparing and crowning teeth on both sides of a gap in the mouth to support artificial teeth called "pontics." This design is similar to a bridge over water, relying on strong pillars at each end for stability.

On the other hand, a cantilever fixed bridge is similar to a traditional fixed bridge but differs in that only one side of the pontic is attached to a crown for support.

Implant-supported fixed bridges

An implant-supported bridge is a great option for replacing several missing teeth. It helps maintain the health of nearby natural teeth, prevents bone loss, and preserves facial structure by stimulating the bone. Unlike a traditional bridge, it doesn't require the preparation and crowning of neighboring teeth. Instead, dental implants are strategically placed to support the crowns and replacement teeth.

Full arch replacement using either four or six implants.

Implant-supported replacement teeth offer a superior alternative to full dentures. This solution not only restores a natural-looking smile but also provides the same functionality and sensation as real teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, these replacement teeth are fixed in place and cannot be removed, eliminating the need for messy adhesives and the hassle of cleaning and sanitizing dentures. With this solution, individuals can speak, smile, and chew with confidence. Temporary teeth can be immediately placed, with a permanent set following once the implants have fully integrated with the surrounding bone.

Denture retained by implants

An implant-supported denture is a type of denture that is secured to strategically placed implants in the upper or lower jaw. These implants serve as stable anchors for the denture, ensuring it stays in place while allowing individuals to smile, speak, and eat comfortably. This added support gives individuals the confidence to go about their daily activities without worrying about their dentures shifting or slipping.

Are dental implants the best solution for my dental needs?

If you are unsure about your eligibility for dental implants, determining if you qualify is a simple process. At Flossophy Dental Studio, we assess your smile and provide detailed answers to your questions, as well as discuss the most suitable dental implant options for you. Our approach involves creating personalized treatment plans based on your medical and dental history, current oral health, desired aesthetic outcomes, lifestyle, and financial considerations.

How are dental implants placed in the mouth?

Planning and executing every step of dental care is crucial, from initial treatment planning to the precise placement of dental implants and the creation and insertion of final crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Dental implant surgery is typically a minor outpatient procedure, but the extent of the procedure depends on the type and number of implants and any additional preparations needed for the supporting bone.

Communication is a priority in patient care. Before your dental implant procedure, we will discuss dental anesthesia, sedation options, and provide detailed pre- and post-operative care instructions. Our office will keep you well-informed throughout the entire process.

After a dental implant is placed, it takes a few months to fully integrate with the surrounding bone. Some implant solutions allow for the placement of a temporary crown or bridge on the same day, while others require waiting for complete healing and fusion with the surrounding bone before placing permanent prostheses.