Invisalign Fort Worth TX - Flossophy Dental Studio

Transform Your Smile with Invisalign

Advantages of Invisalign treatment?

  • Faster treatment: By changing your aligners weekly, you can achieve the desired smile even faster. In the case of mature adults, we may extend the duration between aligner changes based on your treatment progress.
  • Proven results: Clinical studies have demonstrated that the use of SmartTrack® material and SmartForce® features in Invisalign clear aligners effectively enhance the ability to control tooth movement.
  • Better fit: The aligners crafted from SmartTrack material offer a comfortable and snug fit, making them effortless to wear and remove.
  • Effective: Invisalign clear aligners are effective in addressing various teeth-straightening issues such as crossbites, crowding, open bites, gaps between teeth, overbites, and underbites.
  • Virtually invisible: You can undergo treatment with Invisalign aligners without most people even noticing, as they are practically invisible!
  • Comfortable: The Invisalign clear aligner trays offer a seamless and pleasant wearing experience, while also being conveniently removable. This allows you to maintain your regular oral hygiene routine, including brushing and flossing, as well as enjoy your favorite foods without any restrictions.
  • Convenient: Our Invisalign treatment is perfect for individuals with busy schedules as you will only be required to come to our office once every six weeks.

The process of undergoing Invisalign treatment.

Your initial consultation

During your initial consultation, we will discuss your orthodontic needs and determine if Invisalign treatment is a good fit for you.

Your customized treatment plan

We will use a scanner such as the iTero® digital scanning system to create detailed 3D images of your teeth quickly and accurately. With this information, we will develop a thorough treatment plan that outlines the specific adjustments your teeth will undergo and the timeline for your treatment. You will also have the chance to see a preview of how your teeth will move and get a glimpse of your future smile.

Introducing Invisalign Clear Aligners for straighter teeth!

When you receive your aligners, you'll find that they are custom-made with Invisalign's SmartTrack® material, making them virtually invisible. This means that while you're straightening your teeth, most people won't even notice you're wearing them.

To achieve the best results, it's important to wear your Invisalign clear aligners for 20 to 22 hours every day. Be sure to only take them out when you're eating, brushing, and flossing.


As you wear each set of aligners, your teeth will slowly and gently shift to their ideal position. You may be advised to switch to a new set of aligners weekly and have check-up appointments every six weeks.

Taking care of your new smile

Don't forget to inquire about our Vivera® retainer after finishing your treatment. These retainers utilize cutting-edge technology, much like Invisalign clear aligners.

To discover more about the Invisalign system and to explore your orthodontic treatment choices, make an appointment at our office. We can't wait to meet you and assist you in attaining a radiant smile!