
What are SureSmile Clear Aligners?

SureSmile Clear Aligners delicately shift teeth into their optimal position, utilizing a series of trays worn progressively to craft a radiant smile. This popular alternative to traditional braces is wire- and bracket-free, offering discreet comfort without causing mouth or gum irritation.

Worn for 20-22 hours daily, the duration depends on the patient's treatment plan and corrective needs. Easily removable for eating and drinking, these clear aligners feature a convenient blue indicator, ensuring users meet the recommended daily wear time. Ideal for teens, the blue indicator assists parents in tracking their child's adherence to the prescribed usage period. Experience comfort and clarity on your journey to a beautifully aligned smile with SureSmile Clear Aligners.

Who is a Good Candidate for SureSmile Clear Aligners?

SureSmile Clear Aligners are an ideal option for both adolescents and adults seeking effective orthodontic solutions. If you experience challenges like overcrowding, chewing difficulties, or an overbite, this treatment could be the perfect fit. Successful implementation requires adherence to daily instructions, ensuring the prescribed time for tray wear.

Typically spanning 6-18 months, the treatment duration aligns with traditional braces. Our consultation process thoroughly considers factors such as age, correction needs, and smile aspirations. Together, we determine the most suitable orthodontic treatment to achieve your desired outcome.

Benefits of SureSmile Clear Aligners


Clear aligners provide a smooth and gentle experience against your gums and inner cheeks, minimizing irritation, cuts, and sores.


Unlike braces, which are bonded to your teeth, SureSmile is removable. You can easily take out your clear aligners for activities such as brushing, flossing, eating, and drinking.


SureSmile is completely transparent, making it discreet, and others typically can't tell when you're wearing the aligners.


While traditional braces often require 18 months to three years for teeth straightening, SureSmile can achieve beautiful results in as little as six months.

Following a comprehensive dental evaluation, our team can determine whether you're an ideal candidate for SureSmile.

What does SureSmile treatment involve?

SureSmile treatment involves a precise digital approach, starting with custom-made clear aligners crafted to fit the unique shape and size of your teeth. The process begins with a comprehensive dental exam, teeth cleaning, and digital X-rays, including cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, enabling the team to meticulously plan each stage of your treatment.

Personalized clear aligners are tailored made for you. Every two weeks, you transition to a new set of aligners, wearing them for a minimum of 20 hours a day. To ensure the success of your plan, it's essential to remove SureSmile only for activities like brushing, flossing, and eating. Maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine enhances the durability and effectiveness of your clear aligners.